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+1 vote
in Compiler by

I cloned this project, and used VScode to open it. I added Calva, and am half way through the tutorial. I do know what "unresolved symbol" means, but do not know how to fix in a Clojure project especially that this was a working project. I know that the author used Intellij, and I believe it was the ultimate edition. I have the community ( I am ware of the eval, and will use it if I do not have other option. I just like to know how to fix this myself). I am able to run the fire-up tutorial that Calvo comes with, but the compiler error is still there.

2 Answers

+1 vote

Hi, I'm not a Calva expert but you might find these (interactive) discussion forums to be a good place to find people to help you resolve this question:


+1 vote

The issue is that when :refer :all is used, clj-kondo cannot see statically which vars are brought in, unless dependencies are linted as well. In Calva this happens automatically, if you open the project at the root where a deps.edn or project.clj is located, upon which clojure-lsp will calculate the classpath and lint all dependencies on the classpath using clj-kondo. After that, the vars brought in via refer :all are resolved correctly.

When opening this specific project in the root, it won't have that effect, since there is no deps.edn or project.clj. Opening the project in the directory e1 does work.

Thank you so much. I'll give this a try.
After the project is done indexing, you might need to edit the file, e.g. insert a space somewhere to re-trigger the linting.