Welcome to Clojure Q&A! This site is maintained by the Clojure team as an official place to ask questions about Clojure, ClojureScript, ClojureCLR, Clojure contrib libraries, and any other Clojure topic.
Anyone may view the content on this site, but you must have an account to ask questions or provide answers. Authentication is currently done using your GitHub account. Other authentication providers may be added in the future. When you have logged in, please click your user name in the upper right corner and review your profile. If you wish to receive email notifications, please add an email address.
Questions have both categories and tags. Categories (see right sidebar) are a fixed set of language or project topics and areas within those projects. At least a top level category must be selected when asking a question. If you have a beginner question or don’t know what category to choose, use the Beginner category!
Tags are an open and extensible set of attributes that can be applied to questions. There are some special tags:
When problems or requests are logged, developers can assess and, if needed, create a corresponding jira for development.
Users may vote on both questions and answers. Votes will be used to inform decisions about future releases of Clojure, ClojureScript, libraries, etc.