I am hoping to be able to make use of the Quickbooks libraries from Intuit. They have a Java SDK.
My goal is to be able to use their Oauth2 library to enable my clojure app to query the quickbooks API,
Up until this point I've been using OAuth v1 but this is being deprecated so I need to have a replacement OAuth2 flow set up very soon. It made sense to me to use their officially supported library.
I've added these lines to my project.clj file
[com.intuit.quickbooks-online/ipp-v3-java-devkit-pom "6.0.2" :extension "pom"]
[com.intuit.quickbooks-online/ipp-v3-java-data "6.0.2" :extension "pom"]
[com.intuit.quickbooks-online/ipp-v3-java-devkit "6.0.2" :extension "pom"]
[com.intuit.quickbooks-online/oauth2-platform-api "6.0.2" :extension "pom"]
I run lein deps and the libraries are successfully downloaded from maven.
I then fire up a repl. However. all the above lines seem to do is give me access to the com.intuit.ipp.data. namespace, and not to com.intuit.oauth2. . What would I need to do to to use the oauth2 parts of the SDK? I look in their sample apps and the oauth2 libraries look like they should be available to me but they are not.
My experience and understanding of the finer points of Java interop are laughably minimal, so please use short words when describing what I might have done wrong or need to do better. Thanks.