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in test.check by
It should be clearly communicated to the user when generators are deprecated. This patch supplies helpers for easily deprecating generators.

def-throwing-generator receives the metadata that its generator will throw if its called. As an example, suppose deprecated-generator was deprecated in 0.5.9.

(def-throwing-generator deprecated-generator
  "deprecated-generator has been deprecated. Use current-generator instead."
  {:deprecated "0.5.9"})

Then if the user looked up its documentation, they would see from cider:

Deprecated in 0.5.9
  deprecated-generator has been deprecated. Use current-generator instead.

or if they used the generator and ran cider-test, they would see:

Test Summary

Ran 1 tests, in 1 test functions
1 errors


Error in a-test
FIXME, I fail.
expected: (= "a" (sample deprecated-generator 5))
  actual: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: deprecated-generator has been deprecated. Use current-generator instead. {:deprecated "0.5.9"}

1 Answer

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Reference: (reported by johnwalker)