(case-let) is a macro to handle messages of the form {{[:message-tag, arg1, arg2, ...]}} with the arguments bound to local variables. It fails to work correctly when used within a go block. Note that a simple macro with a case, e.g. (defmacro my-case [expr & cases] `(case ~expr ~@cases)) does work.
(Sample project attached)
(case-let) definition:
(ns core-async-bug.macros)
(defmacro case-let [expr & cases]
(let [msg (gensym)]
`(let [~msg ~expr]
(case (first ~msg)
~@(apply concat (for [[key [args & body]] (partition 2 cases)]
[key `(let [~args (rest ~msg)] ~@body)]))))))
ClojureScript test code:
(ns core-async-bug.core
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]]
[core-async-bug.macros :refer [case-let]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :refer[<! put! chan]]))
; go block with manual case + lets - works
(let [c (chan)]
(let [msg (<! c)]
(case (first msg)
:a (let [[x] (rest msg)] (println "First :a" x))
:b (let [[y] (rest msg)] (println "First :b" y)))))
(put! c [:b 123]))
; case-let outside of go - works
(case-let [:b 123]
:a ([x] (println "Second :a" x))
:b ([y] (println "Second :b" y)))
; case-let inside go - broken
(let [c (chan)]
(case-let (<! c)
:a ([x] (println "Third :a" x))
:b ([y] (println "Third :b" y))))
(put! c [:b 123]))
Browser console output:
Second :b 123
First :b 123
Third :a 123 <-- Should not be there!
Third :b 123