When i try to destructure a key, supporting both kebab and snake case I run in to trouble:
Sometimes both symbols pick up the same value:
(let [{:keys [foo-bar foo_bar] :as m} {:foo_bar 42}]
[foo-bar (:foo-bar m) foo_bar (:foo_bar m)])
;;=> [42 nil 42 42]
Other times one symbol overshadows the other one:
(let [{:keys [foo-bar foo_bar
a b c d e f g] :as m} {:foo_bar 42}]
[foo-bar (:foo-bar m) foo_bar (:foo_bar m)])
;;=> [nil nil nil 42]
At least that's what I think is going on there: foo-bar
doesn't exist and gets the value nil
, overshadowing the symbol foo_bar
for which the value exists.
This is supposedly a known limitation in ClojureScript, but I couldn't find it in the issue tracker. Nor does it seem like ChatGPT knows about it. Maybe it helps a bit to have it visible here for bots and humans alike.