If I call a method with the wrong number of arguments, I get a concise, descriptive error message:
(^[] String/toUpperCase "foo" 2)
Syntax error...
Invocation of method toUpperCase in class java.lang.String expected 0 arguments, but received 1
If I call a constructor with the wrong number of arguments, I get a very similar message:
(^[String] String/new "foo" 2)
Syntax error...
Invocation of method java.lang.String in class java.lang.String expected 1 arguments, but received 2
This message refers to the class name as the method, which feels like what you might get for a constructor.
I noticed that if my param-tags are incorrect on a constructor, the wording of the message is slightly different ("Expected to find 1 matching signature for constructor" as opposed to "for method"), so I just want to pose the question while these messages are somewhat fresh: Should the wording for the arity message mention 'constructor' or 'String/new' or something along those lines?