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in Libs by

I authored a Lisp/Clojure variant to simplify syntax, add typing-safety, add generics, add full native language support, integrate test/documentation, and enable cross-platform compilation from a single execuatble. It can currently compile to Js, Java, and C++. Anything of interest to the Clojure community?



(func foo : int // function foo() returns integer
[arg1 : int // arg1 arg2 : int] // arg2
(+ arg1 arg2) // arg1 + arg2
:test (test 3 (foo 1 2)) // A Test case {expect: 3, actual: {foo 1 2}}
:doc "Foo function returns an integer after adding arg1 and arg2")

1 Answer

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Hi, you might find posting this on https://reddit.com/r/clojure or the Clojurians Slack at https://clojurians.net would be better places to get feedback...

Thank you for the redirect. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to connect to clojurians.net.
http://clojurians.net (not https) for self-signup.

https://clojurians.slack.com once you are signed up.