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in tools.deps by

...i.e. in maven.clj

1 Answer

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It has it via all the transitive maven deps. Is there an issue you're running into or anything?

Ahh, OK, might well be fine.  We just hit a failure while working on the Debian clojure-cli packaging that I mailed you about.  I suspect it's more likely just an issue with the arrangement we have there right now.  Thanks for the help.
Hmm, I might have figured it out.  Is there a chance that tools.deps doesn't handle pom <distributionManagement> <relocation>s? It looks like Debian currently has a plexus-component-annotations-1.5.5.pom in /usr/share/maven-repo (in libplexus-component-annotations-java) with a relocation section that points to the "debian" version, which does exist (and is actually 2.1.1), but the deb build currently decides to try to download 1.5.5.
Indeed, it does not handle relocations (see https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/TDEPS-8). They are rare enough that I've only see this reported once or twice in 6 years so hasn't been high on the priority list.
OK.  It looks like Debian relies on them.  On one of my machines, which probably only has a minority of the java packages installed, a grep of the /usr/share/maven-repo poms for <relocation> finds 60+ matches.

I might see if we can work around it for clojure-cli, but I suspect it's likely to be a more general issue for Debian.  Thanks again for the help.
Oh, and I think this should only be an issue for use of clojure-cli within Debian to build deps.edn based packages using Debian build-deps.
Given your experience, if we can figure out a way to handle that, it sounds like normal use of the clojure-cli package (i.e. a typical use when ~/.m2 is fine) shouldn't be affected.
I can look at it and see how hard it would be to support. I've been thinking about it for a long time. :)
That would be great, and if you think I might be able to help, just let me know -- be happy to try.
No rush, but since the bookworm release might be near, I was starting to think about clojure packaging again, and wondered if you might have revisited this.
No, unlikely to get to it soon
OK.  Thanks for the update.
Hi, @alexmiller,

Trying to get the clojure-cli-tools into Debian...
Any news about this?
Nope, have not had time
I see.
Thanks for the update, Alex.

In case you have any ideas/pointers/thoughts/notes on how to approach this that may help others with much less knowledge of the cli codebase tackle the problem, please feel free to add them to the bug entry.


Thanks again,