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The & args in update, swap! and etc are very ergonomic and compose really well, so I was surprised to learn that update-keys and update-vals don't have that, they're only [m f].

What is the reason for this?

I think adding & args to these functions would be more consistent with the existing core functions and help avoid anon functions where not needed.

1 Answer

+1 vote

There are a number of functions similar to update-keys and update-vals in existing utility libraries (usually called map-keys / map-vals). afaik, those functions have not had the update extra arg semantics and that's not been something that people have asked for.

One difference is that update etc invoke the f on a single value, whereas update-keys and update-vals invoke f on many values. I'm not sure how often you would want to pass the same static trailing args to the function being applied to every key or value. I don't have any examples of that (but maybe that's just because the existing functions don't do this right now).

A workaround is of course to push that into the f via partial or anonymous function, so maybe that's something that could be searched for.

Do you have a specific use case where you needed this?

You can find some examples with:

* https://grep.app/search?q=map-keys%20%23%28&filter[lang][0]=Clojure
* https://grep.app/search?q=map-vals%20%23%28&filter[lang][0]=Clojure

Not all of these fit the pattern that would be needed but certainly some do.
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Since the util libraries mostly treat these as if they were sequence functions the arity doesn't work for adding the `& args`, which I think is one reason.

My specific use-case was when cleaning up some records from a nested structure in an atom when I was done with the records, but wanted to keep the rest of the data around. Something like:

(def *state (atom {"table" {:schema (,,,) :records [,,,]}}))

;; I didn't expect this to blow up.
(swap! *state update-vals assoc :records [])

;; This works, but is arguably less elegant.
(swap! *state update-vals #(assoc % :records []))

I found these examples in the wild where this could have been useful:

* https://github.com/penpot/penpot/blob/develop/frontend/src/app/worker/import.cljs#L351
* https://github.com/penpot/penpot/blob/develop/backend/src/app/rpc/queries/files.clj#L273
* https://github.com/clojure/tools.analyzer/blob/master/src/main/clojure/clojure/tools/analyzer/passes/uniquify.clj#L31
* https://github.com/exoscale/deps-modules/blob/master/src/exoscale/deps_modules.clj#L154
* https://github.com/exoscale/deps-modules/blob/master/src/exoscale/deps_modules.clj#L156

It's probably more useful in practice for `update-vals` than `update-keys`, but for a contrived example you may want to postfix something to all the keys in a map.

(update-keys {"table" {}} str "__v1") => {"table_v1" {}}
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[Edit: How do you properly format code on this site? I tried and couldn't figure it out, so I just left it as markdown.]

Would you still consider adding the variadic cases of `update-keys` and `update-vals`? I found this thread after being surprised that my use case wasn't supported and I think I have a pretty compelling example showing that this is desirable.

I have a data structure like this (and a predicate to be used later):
(def data {:foo {0 {:bar [10 42 11 12]}
                 1 {:bar [20 21 42 22]}
                 ,,, }})

(def my-special-pred (complement #{42}))

(Note that there can be arbitrarily many items in the `(data :foo)` map; the three commas are supposed to look like an ellipsis.)

Suppose I want to update the vector at `:foo 0 :bar`. This could be done with:
(update data :foo update 0 update :bar (partial filter my-special-pred))

In that case you could also just use `update-in` (and you probably should). But what if you want to do this for _all_ of the values in the :foo map, not just the one at 0? You _should_ be able to just use:
(update data :foo update-vals update :bar (partial filter my-special-pred))

But you can't, because `update-vals` only takes 2 arguments. Instead, you need to do something like:
(update data :foo update-vals #(update % :bar (partial filter my-special-pred)))

This is more inconvenient than it first looks; since anonymous function literals are not allowed to be nested, you can't use another one (e.g.) for the predicate. With a variadic `update-vals` though, you could do this:
(update data :foo update-vals update :bar (partial filter #(not= 0 (mod % 42))))

For the same reason, you can't easily use multiple "levels" of `update-vals`, like this:
(def data2 {0 {:top 200
               :bottom 201
               ,,, }
            1 {:left 300
               :right 301
               ,,, }})
(update-vals data2 update-vals inc)

There are various ways you can work around this, but by far the cleanest and best seems to be to just write your own `update-vals` function that wraps the existing one:
(defn update-vals [m f & args]
  (clojure.core/update-vals m #(apply f % args)))

With that defined, *all* of the examples in this comment work as expected. And since this is an "accreting change" (it's a strict superset of existing functionality), it's fully backwards compatible, and could (and should) be included in the core library.

(Also, for the record, the `data2` example is contrived, but the other one is structurally identical to actual code that I just wrote for my project, and I will be using the variadic `update-vals` wrapper.)
Alex Robbins: re formatting -- you can format questions and you can format answers, but comments are just text.
I was gushing about the wonderful multi-arity signature of the update functions in Clojure, today, and was surprised when this one didn't support it. Here's the case in question:

(defn scale [geometry factor]
  (update-vals geometry * factor))
I'm not getting emails for these comments; maybe Alex Miller isn't either? I don't want to spam him but I wonder if this is worth raising via another channel.
I am getting emails (and for dozens of other issues on a daily basis, sorry but you are one of a large crowd :). If this request receives enough votes, we will consider it in the future. We regularly review issues here both based on vote counts and what we're seeing out in the community.