I have been trying to build an uberjar using tools.deps and I encountered the following exception:
Execution error (ZipException) at java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream/putNextEntry (ZipOutputStream.java:233).
duplicate entry: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
This is because one library appears to provides a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF that conflicts with the one clojure.tools.build.api/uber
is trying to add in the uberjar.
I guess such file should be ignored by default for example by defining clojure.tools.build.tasks.uber/uber-exclusions
like this:
(def ^:private uber-exclusions
I don't have access to Clojure JIRA but If somebody give me access I am willing to provide a trivial patch containing this fix and a test case for the specific MANIFEST.MF exclusion.