Imagine we have the following CSV file
this is,"a badly" quoted, file
When trying to parse this file with, I get the following exception
{:type java.lang.Exception
:message "CSV error (unexpected character: )"
:at [$read_quoted_cell invokeStatic "csv.clj" 37]}
This file is clearly malformed, but I've seen a file like this in the wild so it would be nice if read-csv handled extra content after the quoted portion by parsing this to
["this is" "a badly quoted" " file"]
Potential problem with this proposal:
If there's a separator inside the quotes this becomes harder to interpret. e.g.
this is,"a, badly" quoted, file
could be parsed to
["this is" "a, badly quoted " " file"]
["this is" "\"a" " badly\" quoted " " file"]
While this second interpretation seems improbable to me, I'm not sure what the "best effort" interpretation strategy is in this case