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I'm new to Clojure and didn't find answer so please sorry if this is not issue at all.
lets say we have data:
{:space1/value 123 :space2/value 456}
and use clojure.data.json as serialiser:
(clojure.data.json/write-str {:space1/value 123 :space2/value 456}) => "{\"value\":123,\"value\":456}"
As you see result is not what one can expect. Obvious solution would be to provide own key-fn and forget about it. But I spend a lot of time catching bug caused by default implementation and like to save time of other
The documentation is clear on why it happens:
:key-fn function Single-argument function called on map keys; return value will replace the property names in the output. Must return a string. Default calls clojure.core/name on symbols and keywords and clojure.core/str on everything else.
It cannot be changed post factum because it would break existing code.