I am very new to web dev and have been trying to get highlight.js to format some code on a page that I am writing, but I am having trouble getting it to show up correctly formatted.
I have tried just referencing the minimized script/a style sheet from cdnjs and calling hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();
in my index.html, then formatting things like [:pre [:code {:class "Clojure"} "(+ 1 1) ;=> 2"]]
but that did not work.
I can see that there are "highlight.js": "9.15.10" and "react-highlight.js": "^1.0.7" in my packages.json, but using [:Highlight {:language "Clojure"} "(+ 1 1)"]
did not work, either.
If someone could show me what I am missing I would be very grateful.