Looking into conso's documentation, it seems that maps are not being properly considered as collections:
user> (coll? {:a 1}) ; Just for context
user> (first {:a 1})
[:a 1]
user> (run* [p q] (conso p q {:a 1})) ; This is the surprising part
user> (run* [p q] (conso p q [[:a 1]])) ; For comparison
([[:a 1] ()])
user> (doc conso) ; Docs talk about collection as expected input
([a d l])
A relation where l is a collection, such that a is the first of l
and d is the rest of l. If ground d must be bound to a proper tail.
EDIT: Also doesn't work for sets:
user> (run* [p q] (conso p q #{1 3}))
user> (first #{1 3})
user> (coll? #{1 3})