While attempting to retrieve files from S3 within a Lambda function using Cognitect's aws-api, I get unexpected slow behavior. Sample code below was used to get a general sense of the time each relevant operation takes. Getting the client (aws/client {:api :s3})
consistently takes over 4 seconds. As a point of comparison, the same code executing from my local development environment accessing the same S3 bucket/key, executes without the same noticeable delay as when it executes within Lambda.
I should note that the namespace in which this function resides leverages the gen-class facility.
(defn read-s3-file
[bucket obj-key]
(let [_ (println (str "-----> Before declaring s3 client: " (java.time.LocalDateTime/now)))
s3 (aws/client {:api :s3})
_ (println (str "-----> After declaring s3 client: " (java.time.LocalDateTime/now)))
_ (println (str "---> bucket: " bucket ", key " obj-key))
body (:Body (aws/invoke s3 {:op :GetObject :request {:Bucket bucket :Key obj-key}}))
_ (println (str "-----> After GetObject: " (java.time.LocalDateTime/now)))
(println (str "-----> Before calling slurp: " (java.time.LocalDateTime/now)))
(slurp body)
Would this be caused by the java8 runtime required by Lambda?
Local output:
clj-lead-updater.core=> (clj-lead-updater.s3/read-s3-file "automattix-incoming-emails" "tdf10001AnsSvc/0dqsmtvh5mquq3tdhpq550lnqcp6162f0k29da01")
-----> Before declaring s3 client: 2019-11-18T18:52:27.611925
-----> After declaring s3 client: 2019-11-18T18:52:27.638097
---> bucket: automattix-incoming-emails, key tdf10001AnsSvc/0dqsmtvh5mquq3tdhpq550lnqcp6162f0k29da01
-----> After GetObject: 2019-11-18T18:52:28.096044
-----> Before calling slurp: 2019-11-18T18:52:28.096431
The two relevant measures are:
-----> Before declaring s3 client: 2019-11-18T18:52:27.611925
-----> After declaring s3 client: 2019-11-18T18:52:27.638097
Lambda output:
-----> Before turning input into a map: 2019-11-17T02:27:08.705
-----> Before declaring s3 client: 2019-11-17T02:27:08.781
2019-11-17 02:27:10.641:INFO::main: Logging initialized @8431ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog
-----> After declaring s3 client: 2019-11-17T02:27:12.923
-----> After GetObject: 2019-11-17T02:27:14.446
-----> Before calling slurp: 2019-11-17T02:27:14.446
And, again, the two relevant measures are:
-----> Before declaring s3 client: 2019-11-17T02:27:08.781
-----> After declaring s3 client: 2019-11-17T02:27:12.923
Relevant dependencies in the project:
[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
[com.cognitect.aws/api "0.8.391"]
[com.cognitect.aws/endpoints ""]
[com.cognitect.aws/s3 "770.2.568.0"]