I have a fresh install of clojure on a RHEL7 docker image, with the repos in /usr/local/lib/clojure/deps.edn (the installation level config) modified to point to our corporate artifactory repository.
However, despite the -Sverbose option saying the file is in the config_paths, these repos are not picked up if running anywhere outside the directory itself.
Doing something like clojure -e “(clojure-version)”
- works from within the installation dir as the deps.edn is picked up as the ‘project’ config. This indicates there is nothing wrong with the config itself.
- fails in any other dir, saying it cannot connect to the default repos (repo1.maven.org etc), which do not exist in any config file being checked.
User level config is default (all commented) so should not impact, but -Srepro makes no difference.
I can only conclude that the installation level config is not picked up correctly.
Does anyone have any pointers here?