One way would be to define custom product semantic type, which consists from common keys + extra keys.
You will save some size, but will have to pay some maintenance effort and extra CPU time (which might be ok, since you are going to deserialize few at once).
This is an example of using Product only to wrap product maps, to not force you to use records in the rest of the codebase
(ns foo
[cognitect.transit :as tr])
[com.cognitect.transit WriteHandler]
[ ByteArrayOutputStream]))
(defrecord Product [m])
(def product-tag "pro")
(def common-keys [:product/foo :product/bar :product/baz])
(def custom-writers
{Product (reify WriteHandler
(getVerboseHandler [_] nil)
(stringRep [_ kw] nil)
(tag [_ _] product-tag)
(rep [_ p] (let [common (mapv (:m p) common-keys)
custom (reduce dissoc (:m p) common-keys)]
(into [custom] common))))})
(def custom-readers
{product-tag (fn [rep]
(let [[m & common-vals] rep]
(merge m (zipmap common-keys common-vals))))})
(defn write [writers product]
(let [out (ByteArrayOutputStream. 4096)
wr (tr/writer out :json writers)]
(tr/write wr product)
(.toString out)))
(write {:handlers custom-writers}
(Product. {:product/foo 1 :product/bar 2 :product/baz 3 :custom/foo 4}))
;; "[\"~#pro\",[[\"^ \",\"~:custom/foo\",4],1,2,3]]"
(write {}
(Product. {:product/foo 1 :product/bar 2 :product/baz 3 :custom/foo 4}))
;; "[\"^ \",\"~:m\",[\"^ \",\"~:product/foo\",1,\"~:product/bar\",2,\"~:product/baz\",3,\"~:custom/foo\",4]]"
(write {}
{:product/foo 1 :product/bar 2 :product/baz 3 :custom/foo 4})
;; "[\"^ \",\"~:product/foo\",1,\"~:product/bar\",2,\"~:product/baz\",3,\"~:custom/foo\",4]"