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+1 vote
in ClojureScript by
edited by

If one wanted to send binary data over, say a websocket connection, transit/msgpack would seem a good choice?

API docs indicate only json/json-verbose

Is it simply that it hasn't been implemented (and is awaiting a volunteer) or is there a technical problem?

1 Answer

+1 vote

Is there a high performance msgpack implementation available in the browser? json was the priority for js/cljs in Transit because there are very high performance native json parsers available in the browser.

edited by seems like has comparable `encode` performance and better `decode` performance than plain JSON.

Edit: the performance seems like comparable only on nodejs, in browser encode is orders of maginitude slower.
Link to perf comparison?
The perf comparison is on readme. But as I noted/edited in previous comment, seems like this performance is nodejs specific, on my own benchmarks on browser,  the performance difference is considerable...