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in tools.namespace by

Originally filed as an issue for function scan-all, which at the time I was unaware was deprecated in 0.3.0 alphas. I have tested against the newer scan-dirs as well, and it has the same problem.

When there are both .clj and .cljc files defining the same namespace, tools.namespace scan-dirs and scan-all can use the dependencies from the .cljc file, ignoring those in the .clj file, whereas for Clojure/Java the opposite should be done.

See sample project and its README here for steps to reproduce: https://github.com/jafingerhut/tnstest

Note that Clojure/Java's behavior is to prefer .clj file over a .cljc file defining the same namespace, even if the .clj file is in a directory that is later in the classpath than a .cljc file. According to Alex Miller email on clojure-dev Google group, this behavior is by design. Link: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/clojure-dev/d5Hb1E7zfHE/sPybIAxgCwAJ

4 Answers

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Comment made by: stuart.sierra

I can confirm this is a bug.

When I added (link: https://github.com/clojure/tools.namespace/commit/64e807c1888b494d04bb4dc96432d4d76aa0db54 text: multiple file extensions), I didn't consider the priority order.

Fixing this may be tricky.

It starts {{c.t.n.find}}. (link: https://github.com/clojure/tools.namespace/blob/64e807c1888b494d04bb4dc96432d4d76aa0db54/src/main/clojure/clojure/tools/namespace/find.clj#L54 text: c.t.n.find/find-sources-in-dir) filters by file extension (controlled by the {{platform}} argument in 0.3) but it only considers one directory at a time. Since the files could be in two different directories, it cannot necessarily discover two files with the same name but different extensions.

The next layer is {{c.t.n.file}}, which currently doesn't look at file extensions at all, but maybe it should.

In (link: https://github.com/clojure/tools.namespace/blob/5d6957ddb11d74fb54c92d2edccce65e8621a3f7/src/main/clojure/clojure/tools/namespace/dir.clj#L22 text: c.t.n.dir) we have enough information to prioritize and filter files for the same namespace by extension. But to do it correctly, it has to handle updates too. For example, what happens to a project that has a {{.cljc}} file, then adds a .clj file. {{c.t.n.dir}} should treat that as removing the {{.cljc}} file from the dependency graph.

I think this will require storing the association between a namespace name and a file name, something I'd been hoping to avoid.

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Comment made by: stuart.sierra

It might even make sense to make {{platform}} a property of the tracker, to make sure the same rules are always used when adding more files.

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Comment made by: jafingerhut

Agreed that fixing this is not a small change to tools.namespace, hence the reason I don't have a proposed patch already. Came across this while thinking about how Eastwood could/should handle .cljc files. I'll add any proposed patches here if I come up with something.

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/TNS-42 (reported by jafingerhut)