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in core.typed by
Following code passes a type check as expected:

(ann self-evaluating?
     [Any -> Boolean
      :filters {:then (is (U String Number) 0)
                :else (! (U String Number) 0)}])
(defn self-evaluating? [exp]
  (let [impl (typed/fn [x :- Any]
               (or (number? x)
                   (string? x)))]
    (impl exp)))

However, if I unwrap the {{typed/fn}}, it does not pass a type check:

(ann self-evaluating?
     [Any -> Boolean
      :filters {:then (is (U String Number) 0)
                :else (! (U String Number) 0)}])
(defn self-evaluating? [exp]
  (or (number? exp)
      (string? exp)))

Type Error (sicp/ch_4.clj:353:3) Expected result with filter {:then (is (U String Number) exp__#0), :else (! (U String Number) exp__#0)}, got filter {:then (& (| (is (U nil false) or__4238__auto____#0) (is Number exp__#0)) (| (! Number exp__#0) (! (U nil false) or__4238__auto____#0))), :else (& (| (is (U nil false) or__4238__auto____#0) (is Number exp__#0)) (| (! Number exp__#0) (! (U nil false) or__4238__auto____#0)))}
in: (if or__4238__auto__ or__4238__auto__ (string? exp))

1 Answer

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CTYP-274 (reported by alex+import)