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in ClojureScript by

Examples that currently fail:

(ns a-b.core)
(defn doit [])

(ns a-b.other
(:require [a-b.core :as core]))

(let [a_b 2]
(core/doit)) ;; FAILS, a_b isn't shadowed properly

;; Related:
(let [a_b 1, a-b 2] a_b) ;; Collide, returns 2!
(let [a-b 1, a_b 2] a-b) ;; Collide, returns 2!
(let [goog "2"] (js-obj goog 2) ;; Fails. Overrides goog!


Given the shadowing logic of the compiler is pretty expensive and further dynamically computing the munged name of each "first namespace segment" could potentially slow down the compiler by a factor of 2x (or more) we should probably re-introduce this approach:


Ie, maintaining a set of first ns segments and do s simple set lookup in shadow-depth. We should probably only store munged names and do the lookup after munging to fix the above bugs. We should also add "goog".

1 Answer

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJS-2461 (reported by aralo)