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in ClojureScript by
With graal installed:

$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_212"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-20190420112649.buildslave.jdk8u-src-tar--b03)
OpenJDK GraalVM CE 19.0.0 (build 25.212-b03-jvmci-19-b01, mixed mode)

$ clj -Sdeps '{:deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.520"}}}' -m cljs.main -re graaljs
ClojureScript 1.10.520
cljs.user=> (ns> (defn bar [])
#'> (bar)
Execution error (Error) at (<cljs repl>:1).
(intermediate value) is not a function

17 Answers

0 votes

Comment made by: kommen

GraalJS issue:

0 votes

Comment made by: mfikes

Reminds me of CLJS-2770

0 votes
_Comment made by: mfikes_

I wonder if setting {{}} to disable them is sufficient for this case, or if that brings in other issues:

$ clj -Sdeps '{:deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.520"}}}' -m cljs.main -re graaljs -ro '{"" "false"}' -r
ClojureScript 1.10.520
cljs.user=> (ns> (defn bar [])
#'> (bar)

0 votes

Comment made by: kommen

Using {{}} does solve the problem as well, and as there are more "tlds" provided (Packages, java, javafx, javax, com, org, edu) this would fix usage of those as well. As Mike pointed out, this would be a breaking change though, in the case where somebody would rely on those globals to exist when running in a graal env.

0 votes

Comment made by: kommen

CLJS-3087-2.patch turns off the java package globals by default.

I would favor compatibility with other JS engines and between Clojure and ClojureScript running on graaljs more than having the java package globals available as a shortcut. The functionality would still be available with {{Java.type}} as used in (link: text: graaljs_load).

0 votes

Comment made by: mfikes

Even though this is, strictly speaking, a breaking change, GraalJS hasn't been out for that long yet so such a change is unlikely to break anyone. If it does, it is possible to override the default.

(link: ~kommen) You had pointed out you saw the use of Java packages here:

I haven't looked, are those unaffected if we were to revise the default?

0 votes

Comment made by: kommen

(link: ~mfikes) As far as I can see these are unaffected by changing the default option, since the GraalJS engines created with the default options are not used to run artifacts produced by {{output-main-file}}. But I would still suggest to change those usages to use {{Java.type}} instead (pending compatibility with Nashorn), so that one can use GraalJS' {{js}} command line tool with {{}} turned off and still have the produced main files work.

0 votes

Comment made by: mfikes

CLJS-3087-2.patch passes CI (/)

0 votes

Comment made by: mfikes

CLJS-3087-2.patch added to Patch Tender (i)

0 votes

Comment made by: mfikes

CLJS-3087-2.patch LGTM (y)

0 votes

Comment made by: kommen

Over at the (link: text: graaljs issue), they do not intend to change the default value for {{}}, so while CLJS-3087-2.patch would fix the issue for the GraalJS repl, people would still need to find out the need to turn it off when using the {{js}} or {{nodejs}} commandline tools.

0 votes
_Comment made by: kommen_

A real world example running into this issue:

clj -Sdeps '{:deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.520"} com.cognitect/transit-cljs {:mvn/version "0.8.256"}}}' -m cljs.main -re graaljs
ClojureScript 1.10.520
cljs.user=> (require '[cognitect.transit :as t])
Execution error () at (<cljs repl>:1).

0 votes

Comment made by: dnolen

Dieter, I don't understand you last comment about js and nodejs. How are they affected?

0 votes

Comment made by: dnolen

I'm leaning towards the second patch which disables implicit global imports. It's an ugly thing to rely on anyway ... for another ticket - but wondering if we should have require support for Java packages.

0 votes

Comment made by: kommen

(link: ~dnolen) GraalVM ships with a {{bin/js}} and {{bin/nodejs}} binary, both use the GraalJS engine, but they default {{}} to {{true}}. So if one would use GraalVM's {{nodejs}} to run a ClojureScript artifact, they would still encounter issues regarding namespaces with one of the problematic prefixes. This of course is out of ClojureScript's control, but I thought it puts another perspective on the patch, as it doesn't cover all possible paths on how one can run into this issue.
