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in Test by

(is (not (<! ...))) works, but (is (<! ...)) doesn't.

Under the hood, is rewrites the code in such a way that it calls (apply <! ...), because is assumes that <! is a plain function (see: assert-expr :default(link: 1), assert-predicate(link: 2) in clojure.test). It triggers the ">! used
not in (go ...) block" assertion.

(link: 1) --
(link: 2) --

Example code:

Workaround: make assert-expr aware of special core.async functions, and use
assert-any for those. It's reasonable since core.async is a widely-used core
library. It'd fix the particular problem described in this issue.

The correct solution would be to make <! and >! macros instead of functions.

2 Answers

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Comment made by: alexmiller

is has multimethod support for custom expressions, so I think this could be patched by adding assert-expr methods on <! and >! (probably in a core.async namespace that provides test support).

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