_Comment made by: jafingerhut_
On both of these OS’s: Ubuntu 16.04.3 Linux, macOS 10.12.6
With both of these versions of Leiningen: 2.7.1, 2.8.1
I believe all of my experiments were using a recent version of JDK 1.8
With any of these Clojure versions: 1.7.0 1.8.0 1.9.0
I get an error with both the commands 'lein check' and 'lein compile' with the project
https://github.com/MichaelBlume/reify-fail, but only if I do '/bin/rm -fr target' first (or run it before the target directory has ever been created, e.g. immediately after running the ‘git clone’ command for the repository).
If I run the command twice, the first command creates many .class files in the target directory, and the second such command gives no error.