Primitive function and recur variables can't pass through a (try) cleanly; they're boxed to Object instead. This causes reflection warnings for fns or loops that use primitive types.
user=> (set! warn-on-reflection true)
user=> (fn [] (loop [t 0] (recur t)))
<user$eval676$fn677 user$eval676$fn677@3d80023a>
user=> (fn [] (loop [t 0] (recur (try t))))
NO_SOURCE_FILE:1 recur arg for primitive local: t is not matching primitive, had: Object, needed: long
Auto-boxing loop arg: t
<user$eval680$fn681 user$eval680$fn681@5419323a>
user=> (fn [^long x] (recur (try x)))
NO_SOURCE_FILE:1 recur arg for primitive local: x is not matching primitive, had: Object, needed: long
CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: recur arg for primitive local: x is not matching primitive, had: Object, needed: long, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:1)