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in core.async by

In clojurescript, {{(str (chan))}} returns the string {{"[object Object]"}}. This is different from JVM Clojure behavior per se, and more practically, it can result in hard-to-debug stack traces, such as the attached one.

The attached backtrace doesn't reach my application code, and does not show any {{cljs.core.async}} code either. Therefore it's hard to figure out that I was mishandling a channel. A nicer string representation of channels would have saved me 20 minutes of head-scratching!

2 Answers

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Comment made by: alexmiller

It's never been worked on, but we have talked about having the ability to name or add meta to channels.

0 votes
Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/ASYNC-193 (reported by alex+import)