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in Docs by

The documentation for the clojure.walk module isn't clear on which methods recurse through data structures, and which only operate on the outermost layer. The documentation for clojure.walk/walk and clojure.walk/postwalk both use forms of the word "traverse," and there's nothing calling out that clojure.walk/walk, unlike the rest of the functions in the namespace, doesn't recurse through the provided form.

2 Answers

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Comment made by: maacl

The potential recursive behaviour of clojure.walk/walk depends on the inner function passed to it and is not inherent to clojure.walk/walk itself. If you look at the source code for clojure.walk/prewalk and clojure.walk/postwalk, they are both implemented using walk, but passed a recursive inner function.

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJ-2082 (reported by alex+import)