Hi, I've found some weird behaviour when attempting to play a sound using a javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine
. The following code illustrates the problem:
(ns cljtest.core)
(import '[java.util Random]
'[javax.sound.sampled AudioSystem AudioFormat])
; create an AudioFormat instance:
(def fmt (AudioFormat. 44100. 16 2 true false))
; create some data representing a second of white noise:
(def data (byte-array 176400))
(.nextBytes (Random.) data)
; define a function that creates a SourceDataLine and uses it to play a sound:
(defn play1 []
(let [l (AudioSystem/getSourceDataLine fmt)]
(.open l) (.start l) (.write l data 0 (count data))))
; define a function that creates a SourceDataLine and returns it:
(defn getline []
(AudioSystem/getSourceDataLine fmt))
; define a function that uses the output of getline to play a sound:
(defn play2 []
(let [l (getline)]
(.open l) (.start l) (.write l data 0 (count data))))
Compiling this with Clojure 1.12.0 using Leiningen, play1
does what it's supposed to, but play2
gives me the following error:
Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at cljtest.core/play2 (core.clj:24).
No matching method write found taking 3 args for class com.sun.media.sound.DirectAudioDevice$DirectSDL
I get this error using both OpenJDK and Oracle's JDK 23. Also with Clojure 1.11.0 and 1.10.0, but 1.9.0 works fine. Anyone know why this is happening?