I don't find the behavior of the following expression documented.
Can someone either point me to the documentation, or I request
that the documentation be updated to warn about this caveat.
((fn [& {:as key-vals}] key-vals) :a 100 :b 200) ;; case 1
(let [[& {:as key-vals}] '(:a 100 :b 200)] key-vals) ;; case 2
These both evaluate to a map {:a 100 :b 200)
. However, the following evaluate to nil
rather than an empty map.
((fn [& {:as key-vals}] key-vals) ) ;; case 3
(let [[& {:as key-vals}] ()] key-vals) ;; case 4
The tag https://clojure.org/guides/destructuring#_keyword_arguments does not exactly say what happens in these cases; however, intuitively I'd expect that key-vals should be a map in all 4 cases. Instead it is a map in the first to cases, but is nil
in cases 3 and 4. I'd expect cases 3 and 4 to each evaluate to an empty map.