First, thanks for cljs, it's the best way to do frontends and it's one of the lifebloods of our business. We are super-grateful.
I am running some older code in a new project that has an updated cljs dependency and I am now getting an interesting compile warning:
WARNING: JavaScript file found on classpath for library ``, but does not contain a corresponding `goog.provide` declaration: jar:file:/home/harold/.m2/repository/org/clojure/google-closure-library/0.0-20211011-0726fdeb/google-closure-library-0.0-20211011-0726fdeb.jar!/goog/net/cookies.js
Everything seems to be working fine, but I am still interested in cleaning up this output.
I built a simple (two tiny file) project that reproduces the problem:
- You can clone that and then do:
lein cljsprod
I did a 'bisect'-ish operation on the cljs deps in maven and found that the warning started to appear with version 1.10.891
- Before that version, the warning is not seen
Wondering if others have seen this warning, or similar, and what, if any, steps would be good to take.
Thanks again for your time and consideration!