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(submap? m1 m2) recursively checks if m1 is contained in m2
(submap? m1 m2)
(deftest submap (is (submap? {} {})) (is (not (submap? {:k 1} {}))) (is (submap? {:k 1} {:k 1 :j 2})) (is (submap? {:k {:kk 1}} {:k {:kk 1 :j 2}})) (is (not (submap? {:k {:kk 1}} {:j 2}))))
This need often arises in tests, where you want to check if the map returned by function-under-test has a certain shape and while assuming an open world - i.e. you want to ignore any additional keys so that changing function-under-test doesn't break the tests:
;; BAD: doesn't assume open world (is (= {:k :v} (function-under-test))) ;; BAD: not expressive (is (= :v (:k (function-under-test)))) ;; BAD: not expressive, need to write :k twice (is (= {:k :v} (select-keys (function-under-test) [:k]))) ;; GOOD: expressive (is (submap? {:k :v} (function-under-test)))
Implementations already exist in many codebases (400+ hits on Github code search). Examples:
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