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This commit seems to be the culprit: https://github.com/clojure/tools.deps.alpha/commit/a4ad9c23250270a173101aee6bb2eceeaee53d92

Before it, using a non-git library name would just result in nil returned from find-vesions, which would allow find-all-versions to try out other coord types.

$ clj --version
Clojure CLI version

$ clj -X:deps find-versions :lib org.clojure/clojure
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at clojure.tools.deps.alpha.extensions.git/coord-err (git.clj:44).
Failed to determine git url for: org.clojure/clojure

Full report at:

$ clj -X:deps find-versions :lib org.clojure/tools.deps.alpha                                    
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at clojure.tools.deps.alpha.extensions.git/coord-err (git.clj:44).
Failed to determine git url for: org.clojure/tools.deps.alpha

Full report at:

$ clj -X:deps find-versions :lib io.github.clojure/tools.build
Cloning: https://github.com/clojure/tools.build.git
{:git/tag "0.0.1"}
{:git/tag "0.0.2"}

Not entirely related, but page at https://clojure.org/reference/deps_and_cli#find-versions says:

To search for available versions of a git lib use the find-versions tool provided with the built-in :deps alias

So the docs make it sound as if find-versions is only for Git-based coordinates. All while it used to work with other things as well.

closed with the note: Fixed in Clojure CLI

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Thanks, will fix. Certainly is intended to work Maven as well.
