I am using Emacs/Cider to launch a clj
REPL. I do this by first opening my file which defines a new namespace. I then use cider-jack-in-clj
to launch the REPL. The REPL namespace is “user”. I can only use fully qualified functions within the REPL. If I enter user=> (ns myns)
in the REPL, this works and changes the namespace as expected. I would like to automate this so that every time I launch a REPL from a file the REPL namespace changes as well.
Alternatively, I am ok not changing the namespace as long as I can use unqualified functions.
Here is an example from the top of my file, core.clj
(ns coresync.core
(:use [tupelo.core])
(:require [clojure.core.async :refer [chan >!! <!!]]))
Within the emacs buffer for the code, I am able to get all the unqualified functions, but within the REPL, I need to use:
user=> clojure.core.async/chan
I’ve searched online and through this forum, but I haven’t been able to figure this out. I’m sorry in advance if this has already been asked and I missed it.