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in ClojureScript by
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(map (fn [x] [:div x x]) ["abc" "xyz"])

in Clojure REPL the result is [[:div "abc" "abc"] [:div "xyz" "xyz"]],
but when executed in browser (js), clojurescript returns
a flatten seq: [:div "abc" "abc :div "xyz" "xyz"]

how to handle this in clojrescript?

I am trying
(doseq [x (map (fn [x] [:div x x]) ["abc" "xyz"])]
(js/console.log x))

I am expecting:
(doseq [x (map (fn [x] [:div x x]) ["abc" "xyz"])]
(js/console.log x))
[:div "abc" "abc"] [:div "xyz" "xyz"]


1 Answer

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Are you sure that you don't have something like (def map mapcat) somewhere above that doseq and that whatever you use to view the output of js/console.log doesn't expand the [:div ...] vectors for you? Because if your hypothesis about map being broken in CLJS were correct, the whole CLJS would be broken, which is not the case.
