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in Records and Types by


I would like to create methods of a record without defining a protocol:
(defprotocol ComponentProtocol
(view [x])
(render [x]))

(defrecord Component [...]
(view [x] ...)
(render[x] ...))

=> instead define record as follows:

(defrecord Component [...]
(view [x] ...)
(render [x] ...))


1 Answer

0 votes

As far as I know this isn't possible. You always have to implement an interface or protocol. If you don't want a protocol, you can create an interface with definterface.

That’s correct and is part of the design intent to steer you away from OO style “arbitrary API”. We already have a mechanism for making standalone methods - functions.
https://clojure.org/reference/datatypes Is the relevant doc explaining the motivations here
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