There seems to be one strange corner case that isn't (explicitly) covered by the docs: a metadata impl does not win if the protocol is directly implemented but the direct impl is not provided.
Clojure 1.10.3
user=> (defrecord MissingDirect [] A)
user=> (foo (with-meta (->MissingDirect) {`foo (fn [_] :meta)}))
Execution error (AbstractMethodError) at user/eval208 (REPL:1).
Receiver class user.MissingDirect does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method 'abstract java.lang.Object foo()' of interface user.A.
OTOH, if a metadata impl is missing, it defaults to the extends impl. The current wording of the docs doesn't seem to make this discrepancy obvious (but clearly this is all to preserve the fast path).