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in Compiler by
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The following two code snippets behave very differently, depending only on the order you define the functions. I find this behavior surprising, and probably not intended.

(ns jimka-test
  (:require [clojure.pprint :refer [cl-format]]))

(declare f)

(defn g []
  (map f '(1 2 3)))

(def ^:dynamic f (fn [x] (* x x)))

(defn h []
  (assert (= (g) '(1 4 9)))
  (binding [f (fn [x] (+ x x))]
    (assert (= (g) '(2 4 6))
            (cl-format false "(g) returned ~A" (g)))))


Now swap the order of definitions of f and g.

(ns jimka-test
  (:require [clojure.pprint :refer [cl-format]]))

(declare f)

(def ^:dynamic f (fn [x] (* x x)))

(defn g []
  (map f '(1 2 3)))

(defn h []
  (assert (= (g) '(1 4 9)))
  (binding [f (fn [x] (+ x x))]
    (assert (= (g) '(2 4 6))
            (cl-format false "(g) returned ~A" (g)))))


My suggestion is that if a variable is declared non-dynamic, then a later definition as dynamic should issue a warning.

This issue was also discussed on clojureverse

2 Answers

0 votes

I supposed the other direction should be warned as well. If a variable is redefined from dynamic to lexical, there should also be a warning emitted.

I think the other way does have a warning.
0 votes