I have the following data structure as the state of my mini restaurant app
{:orders {:e4d55743-c964-48e8-9cd1-cb1cf9075617 [#:helloworld.restaurant{:name "chilly parotta", :quantity 3} #:helloworld.restaurant{:name "masal dosa", :quantity 2}]}, :menu {:kothu-parotta #:helloworld.restaurant{:name "Kothu Parotta", :price 9.5, :quantity 50}, :butter-naan #:helloworld.restaurant{:name "Butter Naan", :price 3, :quantity 50}, :paneer-butter-masala #:helloworld.restaurant{:name "Paneer Butter Masala", :price 9.5, :quantity 50}}}
I have a function to update the menu item corresponding to every order item in the order to deduct the order quantity from the inventory and return the new menu. I want to validate
- The item in the order item, should exist in the menu
- The item's quantity in the inventory, should be greater than the ordered quantity
I have the following specs (Note: I have not validated 2 for now). When I run this, function call to update-menu-item-for-order-item is not validating my predicate for 1. What am I doing wrong in the fdef spec?
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::price number?)
(s/def ::quantity number?)
(s/def ::order-item (s/keys :req [::name ::quantity]))
(s/def ::order-items (s/coll-of ::order-item))
(s/def ::menu-item (s/keys :req [::name ::price ::quantity]))
(s/def ::menu-item-id keyword?)
(s/def ::menu (s/map-of ::menu-item-id ::menu-item))
(s/fdef restaurant-save-menu :args (s/cat :menu-items (s/coll-of ::menu-item)))
(s/fdef update-menu-item-for-order-item
:args (s/and (s/cat :menu ::menu :order-item ::order-item)
#(contains? (:menu %) (keyword (slugify (::name (:order-item %))))))
:ret ::menu)
(stest/instrument `update-menu-item-for-order-item)
(stest/instrument `restaurant-save-menu)