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in ClojureScript by
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update: I have raised this as an issue: https://clojure.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/CLJS/issues/CLJS-3294

I am trying to write a library which provides a set of tagged literals (and their reader fns) for consumption from both clojure and clojurescript.


{foo/bar my.project.foo/bar}


    (ns my.project.foo)

(defn bar [x]
  #?(:clj (str "hello! " x)
     :cljs (clj->js x)))

cmd line:

clj --main cljs.main -e "(println #foo/bar \"world\")"

prints "hello, world"

clojurescript compiles+executes the :clj branch in the bar reader fn - as far as I can see there is no way to execute cljs code in a reader. I have also tried having a my/project/foo.cljs (ie cljs only) file - but this doesn't work either.

I have tried using a workaround where the reader function returns a form, see https://github.com/henryw374/time-literals/blob/master/src/time_literals/data_readers.cljc and this works ok, except that now those reader functions don't work when being used with clojure (e.g. clojure.core/read-string) - see https://github.com/henryw374/time-literals/issues/3


1 Answer

0 votes

this is a bug in clojurescript. Clojure supports reader conditionals in data_readers.cljc, Clojurescript should do the same. ticket https://clojure.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/CLJS/issues/CLJS-3294
