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+1 vote
in tools.namespace by

Support tracking non-clojure files when performing a refresh. The idea here is to make the reloaded workflow work well for libraries like HugSQL (which may depend on non-clojure files in the project).

See for some additional context

6 Answers

0 votes

Comment made by: stuart.sierra

I have been aware of the value of this feature for a long time now, but I expect it would require significant, breaking changes to the internal data structures used by tools.namespace.

0 votes
_Comment made by: rymndhng_

I've been thinking about the internal data structures for a bit, I think it may be possible to track this without breaking the internal data structures. The insight is that we need to determine `modified` clojure source files by taking the max modified timestamp of the clojure src file and any of it's external dependencies.

This would require three changes:

1. a way of defining external file dependencies (perhaps as metadata on the namespaces). Example:

(ns my.testing.ns
  { #{"resources/"

2. a new entry in tracker named {{::files/filedeps}} that maps source files -> other files.

3. update the `modified-files` predicate to  take in `file-deps`, roughly like so:

(defn- modified? [tracker ^File file]
  (let [filedeps  (get-in tracker [::file/filedeps file])
        time (::time tracker 0)]
    (or (< time (.lastModified file))
        (< time (apply max (map #(.lastModified %) filedeps)))
        (not-every? #(.exists %) filedeps))))

(defn- modified-files [tracker files]
  (filter #(modified? tracker %) files))
0 votes

Comment made by: rymndhng

I took a stab at implementing this, would love your thoughts. The docs do need a bit of work to explain how this works though.

0 votes

Comment made by: rymndhng

Following Stuart's advice, I've created a fork with some instructions for how to set it up!

0 votes

Comment made by:

I'm trying this out now and it seems to do just what I want. The only thing I'm noticing is that there is no indication that a filedep has changed in the :reloading message, it only shows the namespaces. Not sure how/if you want to show that though.

0 votes
Reference: (reported by rymndhng)