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in tools.deps by

From slack:
> to take a recent example, we forked tools namespace, applied a patch, and deployed to clojars as "juxt.forks/tns"

Currently tools.deps supports classpath-based overriding, but a user would like to override a lib with another lib to pull in a different artifact, not just a different-versioned artifact. We should consider the ability to override at the lib-level, not just at the classpath level.

This is similar to the maven relocation issue TDEPS-8

2 Answers

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Comment made by: yegortimoshenko

This would make it very easy to e.g. use JitPack.io to use artifacts with custom patches on top (e.g. blocking bug fixes that haven't been released or merged yet).

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/TDEPS-17 (reported by gshayban)