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in test.check by
This is a long-standing Hard Problem.

h2. The Problem

The classic example is shrinking a 2d matrix with a poisoned element in it:

(def gen-matrix
  (gen/let [width gen/nat]
    (gen/vector (gen/vector gen/large-integer width))))

(quick-check 10000
             (prop/for-all [matrix gen-matrix]
               (->> matrix
                    (apply concat)
                    (not-any? #{42}))))
;; =>
{:result false,
 :seed 1466646880334,
 :failing-size 16,
 :num-tests 17,
 :fail [[[290 42 10 3 1 3 196]
         [-1793 3484 -5795 -206 -1 -8 464]
         [2 3 -1951 -761 -28829 5518 1]
         [-32 4477 1 -4086 0 1640 -22185]
         [-485 3156 -625 4082 -2 -845 513]
         [-3 -1 26 323 232 5 -1]
         [32 51 -1 240 -1814 0 -190]
         [2417 -4239 326 -4096 -8 1898 75]
         [-509 1 0 466 199 -1 10]
         [-23 5838 -441 30741 -6724 -1169 -171]
         [-4 3974 -1432 -4 698 -56 1210]
         [-2148 -6526 -1 453 19 -5343 461]]],
 :shrunk {:total-nodes-visited 31,
          :depth 8,
          :result false,
          ;; would be better if shrunk to [[[42]]]
          ;; note that it's plausible the smallest value here could have the same width (7)
          ;; as the original failure -- the only reason it was able to shrink the width at
          ;; all was that it got lucky by generating an entirely new matrix with the smaller
          ;; width that happened to have 42 in it
          :smallest [[[0 42 0]]]}}

h2. Ideas

- https://twitter.com/jacobstanley/status/745790758972624896
- https://twitter.com/DRMacIver/status/737390842462212096
- a best-effort approach to reuse values generated in the last failing case
-- if we recorded the things generated from each sub-generator of a composite generator, and then used generator equality to try to reproduce those values when running generators during shrinking...it would be messy but I think the mess would be invisible to users

1 Answer

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/TCHECK-112 (reported by gfredericks)