Problem reported by Lee Spector on the mailing list:
Here's a quote from Lee's post describing the problem:
Here's an illustration, stepping through '(() 0) with next and printing the node at each step:
(loop [z (zip/seq-zip '(() 0))]
(if (zip/end? z)
(do (println (zip/node z))
(recur (zip/next z)))))
That produces:
(() 0)
I don't expect the nil to be there.
The underlying cause is that {{seq-zip}} passes {{identity}} as the {{children}} argument to {{zipper}}. Applied to {{()}}, this returns {{()}}, which is truthy, leading {{zipper}} to descend into a non-existent subtree.
One natural solution would be to use {{seq}} in place of {{identity}}:
(defn seq-zip [root]
(zipper seq?
seq ;; changed
(fn [node children] (with-meta children (meta node)))
With this change, no {{nil}} is produced in the example above. Patch with this change forthcoming.