Given the following code
(run* [x11 x12 x13
x21 x22 x24
x31 x33 x34
x42 x43 x44]
(fd/in x11 x12 x13 x21 x22 x24 x31 x33 x34 x42 x43 x44 (fd/interval 1 9))
(fd/eq (= (+ x11 (/ x12 x13)) 5)
(= (+ x21 (/ x22 2)) x24)
(= (+ x31 (/ 6 x33)) x34)
(= (+ 4 (/ x42 x43)) x44)
(= (+ x11 (/ x21 x31)) 4)
(= (* x12 (/ x22 6)) x42)
(= (+ x13 (- 2 x33)) x43)
(= (+ (- 5 x24) x34) x44)))
I have {{([1 4 1 3 6 6 1 1 7 4 2 6] [2 6 2 4 6 7 2 1 8 6 3 6])}} as a result.
However, as soon as I change {{(fd/interval 1 9)}} to {{(fd/interval 0 9)}}, the result becomes an empty sequence. However, I expect it to include at least the two aforementioned solutions.