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in core.logic by
As we start adding more constraints it's becoming clear we really want to have to specify less boiler plate. Instead of:

(defn -treec
  ([x fc cform] (-treec x fc cform nil))
  ([x fc cform _id]
       (invoke [this a]
         (let [x (walk a x)]
           (if (tree-term? x)
               (constrain-tree x
                 (fn [t a] ((treec t fc cform) a)))
               (remcg this)) a)
               (fc x)
               (remcg this)) a))))
       (id [this] _id)
       (with-id [this _id]
         (-treec x fc cform _id))
       (rator [_] `treec)
       (rands [_] [x])
       (reifyc [_ v r a]
         (let [x (walk* r x)]
           `(treec ~x ~cform)))
       (-relevant? [_ a] true)
       (runnable? [_ a]
         (not (lvar? (walk a x))))
       (watched-stores [this] #{::subst}))))

(defn treec [x fc cform]
  (cgoal (-treec x fc cform)))

We should be able to write just:

(defc treec [x fc cform]
  (invoke [this a]
    (let [x (walk a x)]
      (if (tree-term? x)
          (constrain-tree x
            (fn [t a] ((treec t fc cform) a)))
          (remcg this)) a)
          (fc x)
          (remcg this)) a))))
  (rands [_] [x])
  (reifyc [_ v r a]
    (let [x (walk* r x)]
      `(treec ~x ~cform))))

`defc` should intelligently fill in the details.

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/LOGIC-86 (reported by dnolen)