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in core.typed by
h2. Problem

If two functions take similar keyword arguments, we have to write them out twice.

(ann make-contract [& :optional {:name (U Symbol String)
                                 :first-order [Any :-> Any]
                                 :projection [Blame :-> [Any :-> Any]]
                                 :flat? Boolean}
                    :-> Contract])

(ann make-flat-contract [& :optional {:name (U Symbol String)
                                      :first-order [Any :-> Any]
                                      :projection [Blame :-> [Any :-> Any]]
                                      :flat? Boolean}
                         :-> Contract])

Since HMap syntax is very similar *and* keyword arguments often flow into HMap types, it would be great to just specify these as HMap types.

(defalias KW
  (HMap :optional {:name (U Symbol String)
                   :first-order [Any :-> Any]
                   :projection [Blame :-> [Any :-> Any]]
                   :flat? Boolean}))
(ann make-contract [& :HMap KW :-> Contract])

(ann make-flat-contract [& :HMap KW :-> Contract])

h2. Questions

What does a union of HMap's mean?


(defalias KW
  (U '{:a Int}
     '{:b Int}))
(ann make-contract [& :HMap KW :-> Contract])

What does nil mean?

(defalias KW
  (U '{:a Int}
(ann make-contract [& :HMap KW :-> Contract])

1 Answer

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CTYP-301 (reported by ambrosebs)