Comment made by: mfikes
To test the above patch, I updated the {{project.clj}} a little to get {{lein cljsbuild test}} to work, and then ran the unit tests using {{jsc out/test.js}}, and it reported that all tests passed.
I also loaded the macros namespace into into the shipping ClojureScript JAR and exercised things with assertions enabled to ensure the change is good, using this to start things up:
java -cp cljs.jar:core.rrb-vector-0.0.12-SNAPSHOT.jar clojure.main -m cljs.repl.node
I also tested things in bootstrapped ClojureScript using Lumo (, loading the jar using
lumo -c core.rrb-vector-0.0.12-SNAPSHOT.jar
and exercising the API a little, particularly with respect to vector creation.
FWIW, {{core.rbb-vector}} has been working fine with bootstrapped ClojureScript since May 2016 within Planck ( as Planck uses Fipp, which uses {{core.rbb-vector}}. The revisions in this ticket are only to address what was needed to make {{core.rbb-vector}} be dynamically loaded into a a bootstrapped ClojureScript environment (Planck AOT compiles things, and the macros namespace of {{core.rbb-vector}} is compiled by JVM ClojureScript, thus sidestepping the specific issues addressed in this ticket.)