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0 votes
in ClojureScript by

Using built 1.10.138:

(ns hello-world.core)

(println "Hello world!")

Note that sometimes Hello world! is printed, and sometimes only a newline.

$ clj -Srepro --main cljs.main --compile hello-world.core --repl
Hello world!
ClojureScript 1.10.138
cljs.user=> :cljs/quit
$ clj -Srepro --main cljs.main --compile hello-world.core --repl

ClojureScript 1.10.138
cljs.user=> :cljs/quit
$ clj -Srepro --main cljs.main --compile hello-world.core --repl
Hello world!
ClojureScript 1.10.138
cljs.user=> :cljs/quit
$ clj -Srepro --main cljs.main --compile hello-world.core --repl
Hello world!
ClojureScript 1.10.138
cljs.user=> :cljs/quit
$ clj -Srepro --main cljs.main --compile hello-world.core --repl
Hello world!
ClojureScript 1.10.138
cljs.user=> :cljs/quit
$ clj -Srepro --main cljs.main --compile hello-world.core --repl

ClojureScript 1.10.138
cljs.user=> :cljs/quit

1 Answer

0 votes
Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJS-2625 (reported by mfikes)