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in ClojureScript by

the string require only really becomes necessary when there are multiple slashes. We can support this style as a symbol for dependencies that only have 1 slash because it's a valid symbol.

5 Answers

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Comment made by: thheller

Me again ... what is so bad about using string requires? Qualified symbols are illegal for normal CLJS code and using a string already solves all potential issues. Adding a case where you can use a symbol if there is one slash but not if there are two is just going to confuse new users with no additional benefit.

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Comment made by: deraen

I can see the point of only allowing slashes with strings.

However, if we do this, it might be good to check the warnings we give when trying to do this:

(ns example.core
(:require [react-dom/server :as sdf]))

No such namespace: react-dom/server, could not locate react_dom_SLASH_server.cljs, react_dom_SLASH_server.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "server"

Notice how it says "server" instead of react-dom/server. This is because everything allows slashes, but foreign lib code only uses name part instead of namespace. (This patch doesn't change the warning.)

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Comment made by: thheller

There are other ambiguities when it comes to JS requires which is why I'm still advocating for just using strings in all circumstances.

Technically we could make {{(:require [@scoped/thing :as thing])}} work as well but shouldn't.

Also I'm pretty sure I saw several JS packages that either used "-" or "_" in their names. For CLJS we always convert to an underscore which would add more confusion if we don't do this for JS.

Yes, the warning should be fixed but wouldn't even be an issue if a string was used.

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Comment made by: mfikes

CLJS-2346.patch added to Patch Tender (i)

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Reference: https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJS-2346 (reported by anmonteiro)